Bill Taverner: Leadership in Sexual Education

Travis Hutton
5 min readMay 14, 2024


Bill Taverner is a key figure in the world of health and sex education. He has dedicated over three decades to helping people learn about health and sexuality. Bill is well-known for his work in creating better ways to teach these important topics.

Currently, Bill serves as the Executive Director of the Center for Sex Education. In this role, he leads efforts to provide educators with the tools and knowledge they need to teach health and sex education effectively. His work helps ensure that students receive accurate and respectful information, which is crucial for their well-being.

Bill’s leadership and innovative approaches have greatly influenced how health and sex education are taught today. His commitment to improving education helps students make informed decisions about their health and relationships.

Early Life & Education

Bill Taverner grew up in Staten Island, New York. From a young age, he was interested in understanding people and their behaviors. This curiosity led him to pursue a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology at the State University of New York at Albany. After completing his undergraduate studies, Bill decided to deepen his knowledge by earning a Master of Arts in Human Sexuality from New York University.

During his studies, Bill had the opportunity to study abroad in Copenhagen, Denmark. This experience broadened his view of global health issues and deepened his understanding of different cultural perspectives on sexuality and health education. The insights gained from his time in Copenhagen have greatly influenced his approach to sex education, making him a well-rounded educator who appreciates the diverse needs and views of people from different backgrounds.

Career & Achievements

Bill Taverner has built an impressive career in health and sex education. He started working in this field more than three decades ago and has become a respected leader. Bill’s dedication has led him to his current role as the Executive Director of the Center for Sex Education. Here, he guides programs that educate others about health and sex, using the latest and most respectful methods.

One of Bill’s significant contributions is founding the Sex Ed Lecture Series. This program started in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic to help educators stay connected and continue learning about new ways to teach sex education. He also serves as the editor-in-chief of the “American Journal of Sexuality Education.” In this role, Bill oversees the publication of important research and articles that help shape how sex education is taught across the country. His work ensures that educators have access to valuable resources.

Contributions to Health and Sex Education

Bill Taverner has made a big impact on the way health and sex education are taught. He has played a key role in developing new curricula and teaching strategies that help students learn effectively. His ideas focus on making sure students understand important health topics and feel respected in the classroom.

Bill has written and helped create over 85 different works. These include everything from school curricula to articles for education journals and detailed teaching manuals. His writings are used by teachers all over to help them teach better and cover all the necessary topics in their classes.

The influence of Bill’s work goes beyond just writing. His ideas and materials have helped shape policies and practices in health and sex education. Because of his contributions, schools have better guidelines on what and how to teach, ensuring students get the best education possible in these important areas.

Awards & Recognition

Bill Taverner has been recognized many times for his outstanding work in health and sex education. Among the awards he has received are the AASECT Book Award and the first Schiller Prize, named after AASECT’s founder Patricia Schiller. The AASECT Book Award was given to him for his excellent writing on safer sex education practices. The Schiller Prize honored his innovative approach to interactive workshop strategies that engage and educate professionals in the field effectively.

These awards highlight Bill’s skill in creating educational materials and programs that truly make a difference. They show that his methods and teachings are valued and respected by other experts in health and sex education. Each accolade serves as a testament to the impact of his work, demonstrating how it has improved educational practices and contributed to the field. These recognitions confirm that Bill Taverner’s efforts have helped shape better education standards and influenced how topics on health and sexuality are taught today.

Advocacy & Community Involvement

Bill Taverner is a strong advocate for comprehensive health and sex education. He believes that every student deserves to learn about these important topics in a thorough and respectful way. Bill understands that some people oppose sex education. However, he tackles these challenges head-on by opening up conversations with the community and policymakers.

Bill’s approach involves talking openly and providing clear, factual information to help people understand the importance of comprehensive education. He engages with the community by holding meetings and workshops where he listens to people’s concerns and explains the benefits of education in these areas. Bill also works closely with policymakers to promote laws and policies that support better health and sex education in schools. His efforts ensure that more students get the education they need to make informed decisions about their health and relationships.

Personal Philosophy and Teaching Approach

Bill Taverner has a clear and focused philosophy when it comes to education, especially on sensitive health and sex topics. He believes in teaching these subjects with openness and respect. Bill understands that students come from diverse backgrounds and that these topics can be sensitive. Therefore, he emphasizes the importance of being respectful and inclusive in every lesson.

Bill’s teaching approach is all about making sure students feel safe and supported while learning. He uses clear, straightforward language and ensures that all educational materials are unbiased and factual, and employs interactive learning strategies. This approach not only helps students learn better but also makes them feel comfortable asking questions and discussing these topics openly while allowing the learning to stick.

This philosophy influences how Bill develops educational materials. He designs resources that are accessible to all students, aiming to educate them in a way that respects their diverse experiences and viewpoints. This makes his materials not just informative, but also empowering.

Learn more about Bill Taverner’s life and career on cloutrep.



Travis Hutton

Editor at Infinite Sights. I’m the guy behind all the awesome Spotlight content you see on our site. Let’s explore and discover together!